If your shoes can't take the heat, get into a Dempo.
Extreme safety in extreme temperatures. If you work with metal, you'll feel better, fitter and safer working in these shoes. The Dempo's a lightweight leather boot with a double density rubber-PU sole. The Nitrile rubber outsole repels corrosive chemicals and substances, even liquid, molten metals. It's heat resistant up to 300C and is an 'easy on/ off' slip on boot.
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Technical specifications
Fit | D |
Size range | 37-49 |
Color | Black |
Upper material | Full Grain Leather |
Lining material | Hydro-Tec® Antibacterial lined tongue |
Insole | Non woven Antistatic |
Inlay sole | Anti bacterial |
Toe cap | Steel / EN ISO 22568-1:2019 |
Protective layer | Stainless Steel / EN 22568-3:2019 |
Upper construction | Strobel-stitched |
Midsole | PU |
Outsole | Nitril rubber | GripForce® Duo | HRO |
Outer toe cap | PU |
Fastening type | None |
European standard | EN ISO 20345:2011 |
Antistatic properties | Antistatic 0,1 - 1000 M Ohm |
Anti-slip | SRC |